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Sunday, June 13, 2021

POLITICO Playbook: A conservative makes the case for overhauling the filibuster - POLITICO - Politico

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Happy Sunday!

IF YOU READ ONE THING TODAY… It’s clear that the filibuster isn’t going to be killed off any time soon. So the “abolish it” crowd has shifted a bit and a new argument has been getting some buzz: What if you could break a filibuster with 55 votes instead of 60?

This morning, NYT columnist Ross Douthat makes the conservative case for doing exactly that: reducing the filibuster in order to save it. We’d be genuinely curious to hear what Sen. JOE MANCHIN — and, for that matter, KYRSTEN SINEMA and other centrists — think about it.

THE FOUR C’S of the G-7 — The G-7 summit ended this morning. An official communiqué announced agreements on a wide range of topics, but the big news came around the “four C’s” that loomed over the conference:

— Covid-19: Leaders agreed to provide at least 1 billion vaccine doses to the rest of the world, and to invest in R&D in an effort to shorten the timeframe for the development of vaccines from 300 to 100 days. They set a goal of vaccinating the world from Covid-19 by the end of 2022. More on that from BBC News

— Corporate minimum tax: The G-7 leaders endorsed a 15% global minimum tax on multinational corporations, a major win for the Biden administration, and said that an actual agreement will be hammered out next month at a meeting of the G-20’s finance ministers. More from AP’s Jill Lawless, Sylvia Hui, Danica Kirka and Jonathan Lemire

— Climate: Member nations committed to achieving net zero carbon emissions by 2050 at latest. But the bigger news, at least in U.S. politics, will surely be about the commitment to “transition away from coal,” in the words of the official release, and end support for new coal power plants in developing countries. NYT’s Lisa Friedman on the announcement and the complicated politics of the coal deal

— China: This was the biggest area of disagreement among the allies. While the Biden administration pushed for a more aggressive coordinated approach on China, there was a real split. The UK, Canada and France sided with Biden. On the other side: The EU, Italy and Germany, which want a more cooperative relationship with China. More from Anita Kumar, Stuart Lau and David Herszenhorn

And so, on China, the G-7 ended up with buzzword bingo: a mealy-mouthed promise to “continue to consult on collective approaches to challenging non-market policies and practices which undermine the fair and transparent operation of the global economy.”

“At the same time and in so doing, we will promote our values,” the statement continued, “including by calling on China to respect human rights and fundamental freedoms, especially in relation to Xinjiang and those rights, freedoms and high degree of autonomy for Hong Kong.”

Worth noting: The Uyghurs, who are being detained in concentration camps in Xinjiang, were not mentioned by name, a signal of the deep divisions among the G-7.

UP NEXT FOR BIDEN — This afternoon, President JOE BIDEN will meet with QUEEN ELIZABETH II. He’s the 13th U.S. president to serve since her coronation, but, with the exception of JFK, the only one from an Irish Catholic family. The UK media is playing up that fact in light of the complicated issues around Brexit and the border between Northern Ireland (part of the UK, not in the EU) and the Republic of Ireland (part of the EU, not in the UK). More on all of that from Anita Kumar

Good Sunday morning. I’m Zack Stanton, the deputy editor of Playbook, filling in for our regular gang today. Thanks for reading and don’t hesitate to drop the main authors a line: Rachael Bade, Eugene Daniels, Ryan Lizza, Tara Palmeri.


Secretary of State ANTONY BLINKEN on ABC’s “This Week”: “No responsible country should be in the business of harboring in any way criminal organizations engaged in cyberattacks, including ransomware. And the president is going to make that very clear to President [VLADIMIR] PUTIN. We are looking for Russian cooperation in dealing with these criminal organizations to the extent they’re operating from Russian territory.”

Related: “Lawmakers press Biden to give Putin ultimatum on ransomware gangs,” by Martin Matishak

House Speaker NANCY PELOSI on CNN’s “State of the Union” on an infrastructure agreement: “If this is something that can be agreed upon, I don't know how we can possibly sell it to our caucus unless we know there is more to come.”

— On Manchin’s op-ed stating he does not support H.R. 1: “I don't give up on Joe Manchin. … As I said to him, ‘I read the op-ed. You left the door open, and we're going to go right in.’”

Rep. ALEXANDRIA OCASIO-CORTEZ (D-N.Y.) on “State of the Union” on infrastructure negotiations: “I do think that we need to talk about the elephant in the room, which is Senate Democrats, [who] are blocking crucial items in a Democratic agenda for very — I think, for reasons that I don’t think hold a lot of water. And for folks saying, ‘Where are you going to get these 50 votes?’ I think we really need to start asking some of these Democratic senators where they plan on getting 60 votes.”

— On Manchin: “I do believe that that old way of politics has absolutely an influence in Joe Manchin’s thinking and the way he navigates the body. I mean, the way — the things that he cites, like this, I think, romanticism of bipartisanship, is about an era of Republicans that simply do not exist anymore. … And I think that — that the older-school way of accepting the role of lobbyists in Washington absolutely has a role in Joe Manchin's thinking.”

BIDEN’S SUNDAY — The president has already attended two G-7 summit sessions, departed St. Ives, held a press conference and left Cornwall for London. Still to come:

— 4:25 p.m. British Summer Time: The Bidens will arrive at Heathrow and depart for Windsor Castle.

— 5:15 p.m.: The Bidens will take part in an inspection of the Guard of Honor with QUEEN ELIZABETH II. They’ll then meet with the queen at 5:30 p.m.

— 6:10 p.m.: The Bidens will leave Windsor to travel back through London on the way to Brussels, where they’ll arrive at 9:05 p.m. Central European Summer Time.

— 9:15 p.m. CEST: Biden will take part in an arrival ceremony in Brussels.

Press secretary JEN PSAKI and national security adviser JAKE SULLIVAN will gaggle on Air Force One on the way to Brussels.

VP KAMALA HARRIS has nothing on her public schedule.



GOOD LUCK WITH THAT — “Biden Pushes for Gun Reform on Fifth Anniversary of Pulse Nightclub Shooting,” Rolling Stone: “Biden called on Congress to pass gun reform and announced that he will designate the club as a national memorial.”

SPORTS BLINK — “Biden supports Suga in moving forward with Tokyo Olympics,” by Nikkei’s Rieko Miki in Cornwall: “‘We will take all precautions against infections in carrying out a safe and secure’ Tokyo Olympics and [Paralympics], [Japanese PM YOSHIHIDE] SUGA told Biden as the two leaders met between G-7 events in Cornwall. Biden expressed his support for the prime minister. The conversations, totaling about 10 minutes, took place across several exchanges between meetings.”


THE NEW GOP — “Chip Roy Tests GOP Voters’ Appetite for Trump Dissenters,” by WSJ’s Kristina Peterson in Blanco, Texas: “Headed into the 2022 midterms, [Rep. CHIP] ROY will be a case study in whether a conservative Republican usually aligned with Mr. Trump can survive politically after angering the former president—even a modest amount. … Mr. Roy’s most high-profile divergences with the former president began after the 2020 election …

“Mr. Roy’s decisions to split with Mr. Trump haven’t always sat well with his constituents who remain firmly allied with the former president. … Others gave Mr. Roy more room to express his own opinions. … One silver lining for Mr. Roy: He doesn’t appear to be near the top of Mr. Trump’s long list of targeted Republicans ahead of next year’s midterms, in large part because he ultimately voted not to impeach the former president.”


SHOW ME A FREE-FOR-ALL — “Missouri GOP Senate candidates fight to keep Greitens from owning the ‘Trump lane,’” by the Kansas City Star’s Jonathan Shorman and Jeanne Kuang: “The presence of [Attorney General ERIC] SCHMITT, [Rep. VICKY] HARTZLER and [MARK] MCCLOSKEY — and [former Gov. ERIC] GREITENS’ absence — at the Missouri GOP’s signature annual gathering underscores the start of what is effectively a primary within the primary. As Greitens spurns a Republican establishment that has largely turned against him, the other candidates are competing to become the dominant choice of party activists, some of whom fear the former governor, beset by scandal, could put GOP control of the seat in danger.

“It’s a competition so far centered largely on Trump and the ability to advance what Republicans call his America First agenda … The question of who is the strongest competitor against Greitens is likely to remain unsettled for some time. More candidates are expected to join ahead of the March 2022 filing deadline, with potential contenders including Reps. JASON SMITH, ANN WAGNER and BILLY LONG, who tiptoed up to the edge of announcing in an interview Saturday.”

2024 WATCH — “Nikki Haley visits Israel as part of ‘solidarity mission’ as Dem infighting continues in U.S.,” Fox News


IRAN … NOT SO FAR AWAY? — “EU talks up hope of breakthrough at Iran nuclear meetings,” by AP’s Derek Gatopoulos and Philipp Jenne in Vienna: “European Union negotiators said international talks that resumed Saturday on the Iran nuclear agreement were on track to revive the deal … Senior diplomats from China, Germany, France, Russia, and Britain concluded a 90-minute meeting with Iranian representatives at a hotel in the Austrian capital.”

HACK ATTACKS — “Russia, U.S. and other countries reach new agreement against cyber hacking, even as attacks continue,” by WaPo’s Ellen Nakashima and Joseph Marks: “Russia and the United States — along with 23 other countries — recently reaffirmed that states should not hack each other’s critical infrastructure in peacetime or shelter cyber criminals who conduct attacks on other countries.

“But Russia, which was among the states originally agreeing to the norms at the United Nations, has violated them repeatedly over the years. Experts are skeptical those violations will halt unless the United States and its allies impose far more serious consequences.”


SOON TO DOMINATE THE NEWS — “California’s biggest heat wave of the year heightens drought and fire fears,” by L.A. Times’ Hayley Smith and Lila Seidman: “With a worsening drought gripping the West and wildfire season looming, California is bracing for the most severe heat wave of the year — one that promises to tax the state’s power supplies while also offering a grim preview of challenging months to come. …

“More than 40 of California’s 58 counties are now under a drought state of emergency. And though dwindling water supplies can affect people at a local level, the results can resonate nationwide, particularly because California produces much of the country’s agriculture.”

CULTURE WARS HIT SCHOOLS — “Teachers wary of new laws limiting instruction on race,” by AP’s Kimberlee Kruesi and Michael Melia: “Laws setting guiderails for classroom instruction on race passed this year in Republican-controlled states have left some teachers worried about how they will be enforced. Particularly in districts with large numbers of people of color, educators say they worry everyday discussions about students’ experiences could land teachers in hot water.”

BORDER POLITICS — “Gov. Greg Abbott wants to build a border wall,” by Texas Tribune’s James Barragán and Heidi Pérez-Moreno: “At a self-styled border summit in Del Rio, [Texas Gov. GREG] ABBOTT announced that he would unveil plans next week for the state to begin building a border wall but gave no additional details on where it would be built or how the state would pay for it.”


MYPILLOW TALK — “MyPillow Guy’s MAGA Rally Rouses ‘Stop the Steal’ Truthers With Corn Dogs and Hate for Fox News,” by The Daily Beast’s Jared Goyette in New Richmond, Wis.: “[T][housands of people wearing Trump-themed ‘patriot’ gear … streamed into a grass field on Saturday to attend a ‘free speech festival’ organized by one of the leading lights of election fraud misinformation: MyPillow CEO MIKE LINDELL.

“While Trump was scheduled to address the predominantly white crowd via Jumbotron, Lindell, who dubbed the event a ‘free-speech Woodstock,’ inexplicably threatened to end an interview with The Daily Beast when asked if the rally could be seen as a show of strength of the Trump movement generally. ‘I’m the one who paid for this whole rally, I’m the one who put this on. I paid for everything out of my pocket,’ Lindell said. … But Trump was clearly on the mind, shirts, hats and signs of the attendees.”


THE END OF THE OFFICE? — “Mark Zuckerberg gives more Facebook employees option of working from home,” S.F. Chronicle: “MARK ZUCKERBERG plans to spend at least half of next year working from home, and … Facebook told employees … that ‘anyone whose role can be done remotely can request remote work.’ Zuckerberg, 37, is taking the lead with plans to avoid the office for at least six months in 2022.”


SPRINGING A LEAK — “Garland Confronts Long-Building Crisis Over Leak Inquiries and Journalism,” by NYT’s Charlie Savage: “Government leak hunters have been ratcheting up pressure on the ability of journalists to do their jobs for a generation … Now, those tensions have reached an inflection point. … But Mr. Biden’s sweeping vow to ban a practice he called ‘simply, simply wrong’ left crucial questions unanswered.

“Among them: How broadly will prosecutors define the journalistic activities that the new protections apply to? And will the changes be easy or difficult for a future administration to roll back? … [Attorney General MERRICK] GARLAND could change the department regulation on his own. By contrast, he would need help from Congress for an even more robust change: enacting the ban as a new law.”

“Former Deputy AG Rosenstein has said he was not aware of subpoena for lawmakers’ data, source says,” by CNN’s Katelyn Polantz and Pamela Brown: “The attorney general at the time of the Apple subpoena, JEFF SESSIONS, was recused from all matters related to the Russia probe so a related leak investigation would have fallen under [Deputy Attorney Gen.] ROD ROSENSTEIN, CNN has reported. Former Attorney General BILL BARR, who took office a year after the subpoena was issued, also said Friday he does not recall discussing a probe of lawmakers.”


FOR YOUR REVIEW — “‘Larry Flynt for President’ Review: Yes, This Really Happened,” Variety: “The LARRY FLYNT ‘presidential campaign,’ launched in 1983, was a tawdry piece of low-life media guerrilla performance art that made the 1968 mock candidate PAT PAULSEN look like BERNIE SANDERS. … In Flynt’s words, the campaign would be ‘an act of satire and rebellion against Reagan’s America.’

“The joke of it is that Flynt, a shrewd megalomaniac, literally thought he could win. The joke no one could possibly know at the time is that as seen today, in NADIA SZOLD’S lively archival documentary ‘Larry Flynt for President,’ the Flynt campaign now looks like a trashy, penny-ante anticipation of the 2016 Donald Trump campaign — or, at least, certain aspects of it. It was a mud-slinging circus, an all-out assault on decorum in politics, though with a serious issue at its heart: Flynt’s absolutist defense of the First Amendment.” Streaming starting this evening on Tribeca at Home. FYI: Nadia is our colleague Daniel Lippman’s sister!

SPOTTED: VP Kamala Harris and second gentleman Doug Emhoff at the D.C. Pride march Saturday. PicNeera Tanden dining at Bistrot Du Coin on Saturday. … Former Rep. Katie Hill (D-Calif.) and reporter Alex Thomas at Wonderland Ballroom on Saturday night for a friend’s birthday party. … Roger Stone, Fernand Amandi, Grant Stern and Evelyn Perez Verdia at a house party in Coral Gables, Fla. Pic

TRANSITION — Isabelle Gwozdz will be chief comms officer for foreign policy and national security at the British Embassy. She most recently was comms director for Rep. Kevin Brady (R-Texas).

WELCOME TO THE WORLD — Corey Jacobson, legislative director for Rep. Ted Lieu (D-Calif.), and Annie Maco, a freelance graphic designer, welcomed Micaela Lucia Maco Jacobson on Friday at Georgetown University Hospital. Pic

— Chris Vest, VP of corporate comms and public relations at the American Society of Association Executives, and Jessica McDonald, a psychologist, welcomed Miles Savage McDonald Vest last Sunday. Pic

HAPPY BIRTHDAY: Rep. Jerry Nadler (D-N.Y.) … Del. Eleanor Holmes Norton (D-D.C.) … North Carolina Gov. Roy CooperScott Bixby … L.A. Times’ Eli Stokols and Seema Mehta … WaPo’s Michelle Ye Hee LeeMorton Halperin … White House’s Becca RinkevichMara Liasson … CNN’s Jamie Zahn-LiebesWilliam LewallenJohn Del Cecato of AKPD Message and Media … Cathy McLaughlin … Axios’ Margaret Harding McGillPatrick CuffJim Fellinger of the Consumer Technology Association … Kirtan Mehta (38) … Abbey Nichols of the DLCC … Andrew Lavigne … Strathdee Group’s Dylan LopezGenger CharlesMichelle Korsmo … National Journal’s Casey WootenPatrick McGillRick Weidman … Romanian President Klaus IohannisTrent AllenPhilip Rosenthal … former U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon … POLITICO’s Camaryn KernsLauren Mehta (39)

Send Playbookers tips to [email protected]. Playbook couldn’t happen without our editor Mike Zapler, deputy editor Zack Stanton and producers Allie Bice, Eli Okun and Garrett Ross.

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